YLHS Newest Staff Members for 2011-12 are –
Greg Walls – Valencia – for Earth Science
Lloyd Walls – El Dorado – Social Science
(No relationship)
We are looking forward to these two joining the Mustangs! We will let you know next week if we have any new announcements!
PTSA 1st Annual Academic Mustang Awards Ceremony – Monday – May 23 – 6:30 – YLHS gym – PTSA will honor 31 Juniors, 45 Sophomores and 76 Freshmen, who have maintained a 4.0 or higher GPA for the 2nd semester of the previous year and 1st semester of the current year, (freshmen 1st semester this year). The guest speaker will
be Chris Looney, Operational Vice-President of CCS Fundraising. He’s a 1995 graduate of Princeton University. A Big Thank You to PTSA member and program coordinator, Sondia Buscaino, for all of her time and efforts organizing the first Academic Mustang Awards Night. Congratulations to all of our students!
A Big Thank You - goes out to Jennifer and Terry for coordinating our STAR Testing days. This is a major undertaking with lots of materials and schedules. Great job goes to both of you!!
AP Information Night - is scheduled for Wednesday, May 25th from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. Each AP teacher will take fifteen minutes to present their program to students and parents who have registered for AP classes next year. Students will hear about class expectations, workload and “summer” assignment. Again, a big thank you to all those
staff members taking on AP classes and presenting that night.
FYI – 2011-12 Calendar - is still in negotiations, but tentative registration dates for 2011-12 school years will be:
Monday, August 22 8:00 – 11:00 Seniors
Tuesday, August 23 8:00 – 11:00 Juniors
Wednesday, August 24 8:00 – 11:00 Sophomores
Thursday, August 25 8:00 – 11:00 Freshmen
“Thought for the Week”
“Have a great four day week!”