YLHS Women's Soccer Self-Defense Classes

Sign-up Today for a 2-Hour Self-Defense Class and Support YLHS Women's Soccer!
The YLHS Women's Soccer Booster Club in partnership with the United Studios of Self Defense (USSD) located in Yorba Linda are offering 2-hour self-defense classes again this year. Classes are offered during the week and on the weekend and a new on-line registration system has been created for your convenience. Please support the YLHS Women's Soccer Booster Club and sign-up your daughter or yourself today! Please visit http://ylhswomenssoccer.com/fundraising.htm.
We received great feedback from participants last season and how they were so happy they took the class. Not only did they receive invaluable information, but they learned self-defense techniques that they could apply that day and had fun in doing so. Hesitant about taking the class? Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] and we can answer any questions you may have. 
Jenn Deane
YLHS Women's Soccer Booster President