Dear Parents:
Greetings! We trust this communication finds all well with you and your family as we start the 10th anniversary of Yorba Linda High School.
Please accept this as a personal invitation to our Yorba Linda High School Back-to-School Night, September 12, 2018. Join with us in a supportive role as we assist with the positive growth of your son/daughter and his/her secondary education in communicating the standards and expectations established to make Yorba Linda High School a great place to learn. This will be an opportunity for you, as parents, to follow a daily schedule of your son/daughter and to meet personally with each of his/her instructors.
From 5:30-6:00 p.m. spirit items will be available for sale in the quad on campus. The program will get under way promptly at 6:00 p.m. in the gymnasium where you will meet your PTSA Executive Board and the YLHS Administrative Team. We will also have voting for School Site Council representatives. Following a short PTSA General Session Meeting and last minute announcements for the evening’s activities, you will then head off to the period 1 class of your son/daughter.
Classes will be 12 minutes in duration, where faculty members will provide you with insights on the objectives and expectations of each course. Student guides will be at strategic locations on campus to assist you in locating the appropriate rooms, with a 6 minute passing time between periods.
Attached is a blank schedule form for your son/daughter to note their classes, periods and locations. Please notice that 0 and 7th periods will meet at 5:40, prior to the PTSA meeting. It is important that you bring this schedule locator sheet, filled out with your student’s class schedule, with you.